Apply to the Clean Transportation Fuel Standard Advisory Committee


The application period was closed 05/31/2024.

Now the submitted applications are being processed.

Information Needed to Apply

Deadline to apply: May 31, 2024.
Thank you for your interest in applying to be on the New Mexico Environment Department's (NMED’s) Clean Transportation Fuel Standard (CTFS) Advisory Committee (Committee). NMED is convening this Committee in accordance with , passed by the 2024 New Mexico Legislature and signed into law by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham March 5, 2024.
The Committee will provide input to NMED for the development of CTFS program rules. NMED expects participants to:
actively participate in the Committee process between June and September 2024, striving to miss no more than two of the (expected) seven meetings. Note:
the kickoff meeting will occur during the first week of June;
subsequent meetings are tentatively scheduled for the mornings of 6/14, 6/28, 7/12, 7/26, 8/9, and 8/23; and
NMED anticipates each meeting will last for three hours, and half of the meetings will be in Santa Fe or Albuquerque and the other half will be virtual.
provide constructive, written comments on proposed approaches;
review and provide written comment on proposed rule language; and
provide expert opinions based on specialized experience relevant to clean fuel standards.
NMED will conduct a Tribal government engagement process in addition to seeking participation from representatives of Tribal governments for this Committee. Those applicants not selected for the Committee will be able to provide input through other engagement options, including submitting written comments, providing expert advice, participating in public meetings, and scheduling discussions with NMED staff during the rule development process.
By May 31, 2024, applicants must submit a statement of interest and resume and commit to participating in at least five Clean Transportation Fuels Advisory Committee working sessions through September 2024. Click the button below to apply now.
Apply Now!

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